
How do I become a member of The Family?
If you are a descendant of James and Amanda Dennison or their spouses or adopted children, you are automatically a member of The Family. No further requirements or exclusions apply and you enjoy all the benefits belonging to a member of The Family.

How do I become a member of WFP, Inc.?
The following items are needed to become a member of We’re Family Park, Inc.

  • All members of The Family, as stated above are eligible to become a member of We’re Family Park, Inc.
  • Make a donation in your name or have donated in your name an amount of $100, “membership fee”, to WFP, Inc. Equivalent supplies or donated services can be used in lieu of cash.
  • When you make your donation, you will need to fill out a Membership Certification Sheet.
  • For each membership fee donated, you will receive one Membership Certificate, signed by an officer of the Organization.

What is an Active Member?
An Active Member is one who maintains their membership in good standing. Active Members that are 18 years of age are eligible to vote during any Organizational Meeting. Spouses of Active Members are also eligible to vote.

How do I keep my membership Active?
All new members are automatically Active Members, during the first year of membership. Thereafter, a $10 per year fee is due to maintain your Active Member status.

What is a Lifetime Membership?
If you donate or have donated in your name at least 10 times (10x) the current membership fee to the Organization, you shall receive a Lifetime Certificate. Lifetime Members are exempt from paying any additional fees and are Active Members with voting privileges.

Note: Detailed membership information can be found in the WFP Constitution and By-Laws and Policies. They are the ultimate authority and if you have further questions, please refer to them for guidance.